The Senate's failure to get a proposed Constitutional amendment banning gay marriage happened a few days ago. Normally, I'd have posted something addressing that issue as soon as the amendment went down to horrible, devastating, painful, humiliating defeat.
However, I'd opted to wait a few days and allow a little distance to let the issue develop some perspective.
Nah, that's bullshit. Sometimes you just get busy, you know?
Anyway, what strikes me about the whole fucking waste of time was the fact that Bush knew his amendment had no chance, the ReThuglicans in the Senate knew they had no chance, and the Christo-fascists in the House know THEY'LL have no chance when it comes up later this year.
So why bother?
Because they're looking at approval numbers in the twenties and thirties and they know they've got to do SOMETHING to shore up their base. It's called in some circles, "pandering." I call it "whoring."
But the kicker is, Bushco's base is rock-solid behind him no matter what he does. Bush could get caught on FOX News anally raping Karl Rove on his desk in the Oval Office and screaming, "Squeal like a piggy" and Bush's base would say, "That's the beauty of compassionate conservatism. It's just a giving ideology."
So what does it all mean? First, Bushco is in panic mode. Rather than move to the center, Dear Leader is moving so far right he's about to head off the cliff and into oblivion. Again, Bush's base will suck his dick no matter what he does, so there's not much point in whoring himself for them any more. His numbers won't get much lower than where they already are.
Second, the pro-sexual freedom forces are still somewhat in disarray. Rather than seize the opportunity and put some valid talking points out there for consideration, they were content to simply sit back and watch King George and his fellow whores trip all over themselves. A successful strategy this time, but if we're going to win on this issue once and for all, we need something coherent and assertive.
Such as? I'm glad you asked.
1. In a truly free society, whatever consenting adults choose to do in their bedrooms is their own affair and nobody else's. Freedom rests in the confidence that one's own life and lifestyle aren't threatened by outside forces. If my gay neighbors down the street want to get married, I have enough faith in the strength of my own marriage not to be threatened by what they want to do. Those who try to stifle the liberties of their neighbors are so intimidated and weakened and lacking confidence in their own resolve that they have to remove any and all opportunities to deviate from what they perceive is the straight and narrow.
Furthermore, it is a violation of the most basic principles of human dignity to invade the sanctity of that most intimate form of human interaction, sex. Truly moral behavior means demonstrating the respect for one's neighbor's choices and lifestyle to not be threatened by that lifestyle and to leave those neighbors alone to practice those certain inalienable rights which include life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
In short, to those who wish to limit freedom of association (especially in a sexual context)
Mind your own business.
(Catchy slogan, there. I like that).