Friday, February 08, 2008


I told a Romney fan last year he wouldn't make it to Valentine's Day, and it's nice to be right again, but I still almost wish this fucker'd been the G.O.P. nominee so his humiliating defeat would be all that much more enjoyable. (These are excerpts. The emphases are mine)


Mitt Romney Suspends Campaign Published: February 7, 2008
The following is a transcript of Mitt Romney's speech at the Conservative Political Action Conference in Washington, D.C., during which he announced he is suspending his presidential campaign, as provided by CQ Transcriptions via The Associated Press.

As I said to you last year, conservative principles are needed now more than ever. We face a new generation of challenges: challenges which threaten our prosperity, our security and our future.

I'm convinced that unless America changes course, we could become the France of the 21st century.

Perhaps the most fundamental of the challenges that we face is the attack on America's culture.



The threat to our culture comes from within.

In the 1960s, there were welfare programs that created a culture of poverty in our country. Now, some people think we won that battle when we reformed welfare. But the liberals haven't given up.


ROMNEY: The attack on faith and religion is no less relentless. And tolerance for pornography, even celebration of it, and sexual promiscuity, combined with the twisted incentives of government welfare, have led to today's grim realities: 68 percent of African- American kids born out of wedlock, 45 percent of Hispanic kids, 25 percent of white kids.

How much harder it is for these kids to succeed in school and in life. A nation built on the principles of the founding fathers cannot long stand when its children are raised without fathers in the home.


The development of a child is enhanced by having a mother and a father. Such a family is the ideal for the future of the child and for the strength of the nation.

I wonder how it is that unelected judges, like some in my state of Massachusetts, are so unaware of this reality, so oblivious to the millennia of recorded history.

It's time for the people of America to fortify marriage through a constitutional amendment, so that liberal judges cannot continue to attack it.(APPLAUSE)

Europe -- Europe is facing a demographic disaster. That's the inevitable product of weakened faith in the Creator, failed families, disrespect for the sanctity of human life, and eroded morality.

And finally, let's consider the greatest challenge facing America, and for that matter facing the entire civilized world: the threat of radical, violent jihad.


As you know, in one wing of the world of Islam there's a conviction that all governments should be destroyed and replaced by a religious caliphate. These jihadists will battle any form of democracy because to them democracy is blasphemous, because it says that citizens, not God, shape the law.

Today we are a nation at war. And Barack and Hillary have made their intentions clear regarding Iraq and the war on terror: They would retreat, declare defeat.

And the consequence of that would be devastating. It would mean attacks on America, launched from safe havens that would make Afghanistan under the Taliban look like child's play. About this, I have no doubt.

Now, I disagree with Senator McCain on a number of issues, as you know.

But I agree with him on doing whatever it takes to be successful in Iraq, and finding and executing Osama bin Laden.


And I agree with him on eliminating Al Qaida and terror worldwide.

Now, if I fight on, in my campaign, all the way to the convention...

ROMNEY: ... I want you to know, I've given this a lot of thought -- I'd forestall the launch of a national campaign and, frankly, I'd make it easier for Senator Clinton or Obama to win.

Frankly, in this time of war, I simply cannot let my campaign be a part of aiding a surrender to terror.

Thank you so very much. I love you. Thank you.

Fuck you, Mitt Romney.

Where shall I begin?

The France of the 21st Century? Let's see, France has a higher standard of living, lower costs in virtually every aspect of life, higher life expectancies, lower infant mortalities, lower crime rates, and national health care.

The only thing France has going against it is they were too smart to get involved in our grand adventure in Iraq.

Most people are up in arms about Romney's crack that voting for Sen. Clinton or Sen. Obama is surrendering in the war on terrorism.

I'm just as pissed off as anyone about that, but there's more. The stuff about embracing pornography is a cheap shot, but that's no biggie. As usual, Mitt isn't letting facts interfere with a good soundbite. Nor does it bother me that he's digging the whole "marriage is for making babies so gay marriage is bad" schtick. Same shit, different day.

What gets me is the rant on which he went about religion. America's turning away from religion, and that's bad. We're becoming just like Europe, and that's bad. (What's going on in France, for example. All that healthy living and cowardly common sense). (And what the hell's a "demographic nightmare?" Sounds like something Ralph Reed would rant about. "Not enough white people out there! That's bad! Bad!")

And yet, a few paragraphs later, he's ranting about how evil the jihadists are because they hate democracy. What was it he said?

These jihadists will battle any form of democracy because to them democracy is blasphemous, because it says that citizens, not God, shape the law.

What was that, Mitt? Less religion is bad, but jihadists are bad because they want more of God in government?

Make up your fucking mind!

But you can't, Mitt! You're the main entree at the Waffle House! You were pro gay rights before you were against them, you were pro choice before you were anti-choice, and you were a middling-average governor before you decided to whore yourself out to Dobson and his ilk and turn yourself into a hypocrite. Or, I should say, a bigger hypocrite.

You're one of the reasons the Dems are going to win this year, Mitt. You're an example of how the party of Abraham Lincoln and Theodore Roosevelt has become a cabal of neo-pseudo-fascists who want to turn back the clock to when religious zealots ruled Europe (remember them, Mitt? The Dark Ages? The Inquisition? Feudalism? The Black Plague? The Hundred Years War? The Divine Right of Kings? The Crusades?)

The people didn't want to believe anyone could be so stupidly anti-American, but now that they've seen you and your ilk for what you are, that'll be the end of it.

Like I said before, I almost wish you'd been the nominee so you could suffer even more humiliating pain this November.

As it is, good riddance to bad rubbish.

Fuck you, Mitt Romney.

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