Monday, October 09, 2006

More Sickness From The Holy Terrors on the Foley mess

Dr. James Dobson, head of Focus on the Family, is probably the brightest star in the Holy Terrors' firmament. He's got as much pull (probably more) as anyone when it comes to ramming the Holy Terror' War On Whoopie down America's throat. He's anti-gay, anti-sex, anti-fun, anti-freedom to the nth degree.

So, when one of his minions gets busted doing something repulsive, what does he do? How does Dr. Dobson respond to the allegations about Congressman Mark Foley's indiscretions?

Blame the victims. On his October 6 radio broadcast for
Focus On The Family, Dr. Dobson said:

As it turns out, Mr. Foley has had illicit sex with no one that we know of, and the whole thing turned out to be what some people are now saying was a -- sort of a joke by the boy and some of the other pages.

Sharper minds than I have pointed out that the "prank" argument was raised by Michael Savage and Matt Drudge, and thoroughly debunked by other sources. If this is all a practical joke, why did Congressman Foley resign? And what about the fact that other pages have come forward with similar allegations, including one person who asserts he had sex with the Congressman after he'd turned 21?

Are all these young men practical jokers? And if Congressman Foley was such a fine, upstanding fellow, why did he fall for the gag?

In any case, I find Mr. Moral Values (excuse me...DOCTOR Moral Values) to be generally repugnant, but this drops offensive behavior to whole new levels.

This whole episode is ugly for a long list of reasons. The seduction and sex talk with teenaged boys. The long cover-ups on the part of the House leadership. Would any of these great Americans let their colleague Mark Foley associate with their own sons and grandsons?

But what makes it worse is the fact that the Holy Terrors are spinning this so that anybody but one of their own is at fault, and they're taking advantage of their usual vile talking points, beating the same old sick drums about the evils of homosexuality.

Homosexuality equals pedophilia. Homosexuals "seduce" otherwise "normal" people into their deviant lifestyle. Grown men in their fifties can't be held responsible for their actions when faced with the temptations offered by teenaged boys. And if teenaged boys do engage in sexplay with grown men in their fifties, they're not being exploited, they're doing the exploiting! Anyway, it's their own fault for being so damned seductive, isn't it?

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