Friday, November 03, 2006

ABC Confirms the GOP's Porn Connection

And I'm not talking about Mark Foley.

Remember this?

Turns out the G.O.P. will gladly accept money from pornographers with one hand, while they're beating the drums for the execution of those same pornographers with the other hand.

ABC News blows the lid off the whole shameful episode.

In case you didn't know, or knew but had simply forgotten, it seems a prominent contributor to the Republican National Committee is a fellow named Nicholas Boyias, who's the president of Marina Pacific Distributors. Marina Pacific distributes, among other products, porn. And not just porn, but gay porn.

But wait. There's more.

According to ABC...

Marina Pacific Distributors calls itself "the leader in adult video distribution." Included in the movies for sale on their Web site are videos made by "Active Duty Productions." Active Duty, as their name suggests, has cast active duty soldiers in some of their films but not without serious consequences for the soldiers.

Three Fort Bragg soldiers were found guilty and sentenced to prison in separate courts-martial earlier this year for appearing in pornographic videos made by Active Duty. The charges included sodomy and conduct detrimental to the Army. Four other soldiers accused of appearing in Active Duty videos were also punished outside of the military court system.

So much many choices....who's the worst scumsucker in this scenario?

Fort Bragg for prosecuting these soldiers? Marina Pacific for exploiting them and sabotaging their careers? How about the RNC for taking Boyias' money?

My bet's on the RNC. They sell moral values but the only value they treasure is measured in dollars.

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