Saturday, November 25, 2006

More On Gov. Romney's Special Brand Of Homophobia

It seems the battle lines are being drawn for the '08 race.

On the one hand, we have Sen. McCain, formerly a courageous Vietnam veteran and P.O.W., nowadays a spineless waffler and Bush kissass in the Senate. A few weeks ago, he said he supported letting gay couples participate in ceremonies, just as long as the ceremonies weren't legal. Like when little girls drape towels on their heads and play at being brides.

Then, last Sunday, Sen. McCain bravely stuck himself out on a limb once again, taking the spineless position that while he opposes gay marriage, he's cool with letting the states decide whether to legalize it or not, even though he doesn't think it should be legal.

Get all that?

But wait. There's more.

In this corner, the outgoing Governor of the only state in the Union to legalize gay marriage, Mitt Romney of Massachusetts. Gov. Romney wants to overturn the will of the MA Supreme Court and the state legislature that the issue is decided, and demand, DEMAND, I say, that the Court put the issue on the next statewide ballot, because he just can't abide the democratic process working on an issue he doesn't like.

And then, Gov. Romney, unhappy with Senator McCain's flip-flopping like a trout in the bottom of a boat, had this to say about the good Senator's position.

“Look, if somebody says they’re in favor of gay marriage, I respect that
view. If someone says — like I do — that I oppose same–sex marriage, I respect
that view. But those who try and pretend to have it both ways, I find it to be

Romney doesn't just want to get rid of gay marriage in Massachusetts, by the way. He supports amending both the MA Constitution and the U.S. Constitution, as well.

So, on the one hand, we have a spineless, waffling limpdick on the subject, and on the other hand, we have an outright bigoted homophobe. Both these men are jockeying for position to obtain the G.O.P.'s nomination for President in 2008.

Can't hardly wait.

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