Monday, April 24, 2006

Churchill: "It is a good thing for an uneducated man to read books of quotations"

I love quotations. I've got in my library some thirty books of quotations, from the standard classics, (Bartlett's, the Oxford Book of, Seldes' Great Quotations and Great Thoughts,) to some of the more exotic stuff (637 Greatest things Anybody ever said, The Portable Curmudgeon,) and some way-out there things like "Savvy Sayin's," a collection of aphorisms from western lore.

For a while back in the 90's, I used to check books of quotations out of the library and hand-transcribe them into three or four spiral notebooks. I had to stop doing that because I'd never get through them all before I had to return them. I've still got file folders full of loose notes of quotations that someday I plan to compile into my own volume, "Benjamin's Familiar Quotations." I know, I know. Dare to dream, eh?

Why am I bringing this up?

"Sexual intercourse is kicking death in the ass while singing."

Charles Bukowski

I like that.

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