Saturday, July 22, 2006

An insight...

Back in college, my International Politics class covered the anarchist movement at around the turn of the last century, and how they were bound and determined to kill as many kings as possible. Why? Because they felt kings were the main source of tyranny in the world and if all the kings got killed, nobody would want to be king anymore.

Simple enough logic.

It occurred to me the other day that although the Holy Terrors say they're against unwanted pregnancies, they oppose virtually every movement out there to PREVENT unwanted pregnancies. They're fighting women's choice, birth control, vaccination to prevent STDs, and even sex education, practically guaranteeing as many unwanted pregnancies as possible.

Why? I'm thinking they figure if they can turn sex into a high-risk activity, where people have to chance pregnancy, disease and even death, nobody will want to have sex anymore. At least, no more sex than is absolutely necessary to keep the species going.

Sort of like "Russian Roulette" with five bullets.

Just thought I'd share.

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